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【WP】Role Model

劉安婷 (Anting Liu)
By watching her TED talk in 2013, I knew her story.
She is the founder of Teach for Taiwan which is a nonprofit organization that aims to help children in rural areas have a proper education.

1.  Focus and go all-out for her dream
After she told her parents that she decided to get into a university in the U.S.A., her parents set two conditions.
First, she had to get an excellent score in GSAT in Taiwan.
Second, she needed to get a scholarship to reduce the tuition fees in the university in the U.S.A.
During the time she had been working on for that goal, she taught herself English and only slept 4 or 5 hours a day.
In the end, she made it and got a full amount scholarship from Princeton University.

2. Willing(adj.) to help people
During her days at Princeton, she devoted herself to volunteering in different parts of the world, including Haiti, Ghana(迦納) and Cambodia(柬埔寨)

3.  Willing to solve problems, make actions
Although she had a job at a management consulting firm in New York, she still cared about Taiwan children's education. In the end, she resigned her job and came back to Taiwan. She said she like to be the person who makes actions rather be a consultant who only do the talking things.

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